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อุบล วุฒิพรโสภณ
พระเทพศาสนาภิบาล .
สัญญา สดประเสริฐ
สมานใจ ขันทีท้าว


The objective of this research is to 1) assess civil society policies and promote self-reliance of the elderly in Nakhon Pathom Province 2) study the effectiveness of civil state policy implementation 3) propose mechanisms and guidelines for driving state civil policy effectively as a research  Quality by the key informants used in the research were 1) 13 civil society policy executives and civil state policy makers 2) a The elderly were the result of the civil state policy, consisting of 14 persons, 3 experts who participated in the 8 sub-group meetings, were the specific data providers, the research instruments were in-depth interview, data collection.  With in-depth interviews and group discussions, issues from in-depth interviews were analyzed using content analysis methods             The information is extremely descriptive analytical research on that.                      

          The results of the research revealed that:

  1. The results of the civil state policy evaluation and promoting self-reliance of the elderly, the majority of the elderly are satisfied with this policy which is a concrete, clear operation, with pride that they can rely on  Can only take oneself, but are worried that there may be exploitation from policy implementation, management suggests that policies should be carried out continuously because it will improve the quality of life  Including social participation, personal economic support, physical and mental promotion.

  2. Effectiveness of civil state policy and promoting the self-reliance of the elderly, some projects are not worth the budget, some people are not fully affected by the policy. Human resource management should use people to match the work.  And must comply with the plan and should be sustainable in the implementation of the policy, including the duration of the project implementation is too short resulting in no effectiveness Visual performance is poor mechanism and policy-driven approach to efficiently find the civil state.

  3. Strategies and guidelines for driving the public policy efficiently, it is found that the village community should be implemented before the government project, the city or community should be built for the elderly, creating a database of the elderly, the policy must be sustainable, increase the budget  Regarding the elderly, increase public relations regarding public policy.

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How to Cite
วุฒิพรโสภณ อ., . พ., สดประเสริฐ ส., & ขันทีท้าว ส. (2020). CIVIL STATE POLICY TO PROMOTE THE SELF- RELIANT FOR ELDERLY IN NAKORNPATHOM PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(10), 4852–4872. Retrieved from
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