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วิชัย ปิยวรรณวงศ์
สุดาวรรณ สมใจ
ดวงกมล จันทรรัตน์มณี
ปฎิญญา บุญผดุง
สุมาลี มีพงษ์


The objectives of the research were to study: 1) the level of Antecedents of the Strategies for Consumer Protection from Cosmetics in Thailand, and 2) the relationships between office of the consumer protection board, public relations, entrepreneur and consumers effecting to the strategies for consumer protection from Cosmetics in Thailand.The quantitative research was conducted 300 the population living in Bangkok. Aged over 20 years and have used or used cosmetic products, selected by cluster sampling. The qualitative research was comprised of 7 chief executives from executives, government officials private sector. Data were collected by using questionnaire and in-dept interviews. Multivariate statistics using structural equation modeling (SEM) The results of the study revealed that 1) the level of the Strategies for Consumer Protection from Cosmetics in Thailand is office of the consumer protection board, public relations, entrepreneur and consumers were at very good, and 2) The Structural equation modeling analysis indicated that office of the consumer protection board, public relations, entrepreneur and consumers influence to the strategies for consumer protection, the quantitative analysis was in accordance with the literature review and qualitative analysis. The sample group agreed that the Strategies for consumer protection by cooperation between the government, private sector and the public to participate in determining consumer protection guidelines for can be put into practice and be fair to consumers.

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How to Cite
ปิยวรรณวงศ์ ว., สมใจ ส., จันทรรัตน์มณี ด., บุญผดุง ป., & มีพงษ์ ส. (2020). ANTECEDENTS OF THE STRATEGIES FOR CONSUMER PROTECTION FROM COSMETICS IN THAILAND. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(10), 5540–5559. Retrieved from
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