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กศิพัฎญ์ ทองแกม
โฆสิต แพงสร้อย



           This research entitled “Guidelines to promotion for selling OTOP products on online marketplace Buddhist integrative in Udon Thani Province” The objectives of this research were 1) TO study Problems of OTOP products in Udon Thani Province in selling OTOP products on the online market. 2) TO guide the Guidelines to promotion for selling OTOP products on online marketplace Buddhist integrative in Udon Thani Province. This is Qualitative Research, collecting data from documents, and information outreach such as interview, and group conversation. The sample selected from a specific person (Purposive Sampling) ; The total of 60 samples was purposive sampling selected, 15 experts, 30 practitioners, and 15 general informants.

          The results of the research:

          Product problem condition OTOP, Udon Thani Province, in selling OTOP products on the online market, it is found that OTOP product operators in Udon Thani Province Has given more attention to selling products online By looking at the training statistics organized by the government sector Selling products online Both advantages and disadvantages can be seen from customer complaints and customer comments on online media. Although it is very profitable, it is important to know sufficiency. Satisfied, not struggling too much Until causing him difficulty in living, can be summarized as follows : 1) Lack of knowledge in marketing analysis Online communication skills Photography skills Only the knowledge of production has been inherited. 2) Have some understanding of the use of online marketing tools Unable to sell products on the online market. 3) Lack of awareness and motivation to sell products on the online market. Due to the sales process and online communication It is difficult for today's OTOP entrepreneurs who are elderly. Including the attitude that their products can be sold in today's market.

          The Guidelines to promotion for selling OTOP products on online marketplace Buddhist integrative in Udon Thani Province to be developed as a whole, 1) Build knowledge in the community That is to say, the state must provide training to Entrepreneurs in selling products on online markets, language skills, photography, using online tools and online marketing communications At the same time, entrepreneurs must seek knowledge from experts or those who are successful in the same business. 2) Government agencies must support tools and equipment for selling and communicating products online. At the same time, entrepreneurs must bring products and services to the eyes of as many people as possible. No waiting for customers to come. Buy only. 3) Leading the market to online marketing, that is, OTOP entrepreneurs have to develop sales and sales tools on the online market. Along with self-development according to the teachings of the Lord Buddha in the teachings, which will affect the correct economic behavior know the purpose of living and live happily with society.

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How to Cite
ทองแกม ก., & แพงสร้อย โ. (2019). THE PROBLEMS AND GUIDELINES FOR PROMOTING OTOP PRODUCTS ON THE BUDDHIST ONLINE MARKET IN UDON THANI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(9), 4627–4644. retrieved from
Research Articles


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