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อำมะนี นอลิน
พิชญ์ ฉายายนต์
อุดม จำรัสพันธุ์


The purposes of this research were to study the management guidelines of academic excellence in university, also to develop and assess the management model of academic work. There were 3 terms of research.

          1. to study the management guidelines of academic work by interviewing 7 professionals. The result showed that the guidelines have 9 main topics were 1) a quality student with 7 attributes 2) Course of study with 11 types 3) Teachers with 11 attributes 4) The teaching and learning process with 12 types                      5) Educational facilities with 8 types 6) Measurement and evaluation in education with 7 types 7) studying with 10 qualities 8) Job training with 5 ways 9) Training quality assurance with 3 ways.

          2. to develop the management model of academic work, the researcher used Delphi technique for 3 times, and the data were collected from 20 professionals as the result showed that the management model consists of 9 topics 1) a quality student with 6 attributes 2) course of study with 10 types        3) Teachers with 17 attributes 4) ) The teaching and learning process with 7 types 5) Educational facilities with 9 types 6) measurement and evaluation in education with 7 ways 7) studying with 13 qualities 8) Job training with 6 ways 9) Training quality assurance with 3 ways.

          3. the assessment of the management model; the researcher used a survey as a research method and the sample group was the management of the university in total 220 people by using a stratified sampling with the questionnaire. The data analysis by using a Statistic for social science research to find Mean and Standard deviation. The result of the research showed that the management model is effectiveness at a high level.

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How to Cite
นอลิน อ., ฉายายนต์ พ., & จำรัสพันธุ์ อ. (2019). THE MODEL OF ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION IN UNIVERSITIES TOWARDS EXCELLENCE IN LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(9), 4560–4581. retrieved from
Research Articles


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