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พระมหานันทะการณ์ เดือยพิมพ์
วิชิต อู่อ้น


This research has objectives 1) to study the factors of dharma principle communication by integrated marketing communication that affects the happiness of Buddhists. 2) to study the components of dharma principle communication by integrated marketing communication that affects the happiness of Buddhists. And 3) to test the model’s consistency of dharma principle communication by integrated marketing communication that affects the happiness of Buddhists. A mixed method, quantitative and qualitative research. Data collection by questionnaires and in-depth interviews. the population was 5.27 million Buddhists in Bangkok and sample sizes were 400 Buddhists in Bangkok. Sampling by specific methods, the respondents were Buddhists aged 20 years and over and living in Bangkok. The key informants in the in-depth interviews consisted of 6 experts in dharma and communication, 3 monks and 3 Buddhists. Data were analyzed by using the structural equation model.

          The research found that:

  1. The factors of dharma principle communication by integrated marketing communication that affects the happiness of Buddhists. It is found that dharma principle communication by integrated marketing communication affects the happiness of Buddhists with the BE value of 0.77 and the factor that most affects the integrated marketing communication is the market orientation with the GA value of 0.64, followed by the technology acceptance has the GA value of 0.23 and the brand orientation has the GA value of 0.18 with a squared multiple correlations (R2) of the happiness of Buddhists at 0.59, or all factors conjoint explain the variance of the happiness of the Buddhists at 59 percent and was a significant positive influence at the level of 0.01.

  2. 2. The components of dharma principle communication by integrated marketing communication that affects the happiness of Buddhists. It is found that1)Integrated marketing communication consists of 4 components. The highest of standardized regression weight was database-centered communication with the LY value of 0.96, followed by relationship fostering communication with the LY value of 0.90, followed by differentiated communication with the LY value of 0.86 and unified communication with the LY value of 0.82 in descending order 2.2) happiness of Buddhists consists of 2 components. The highest of standardized regression weight was objective happiness or happiness from external factors with the LY value of 0.84 and subjective happiness or happiness from the internal factors with the LY value of 0.81 in descending order. 2.3) market orientation consists of 3 components. The highest of standardized regression weight was inter-functional coordination with the LX value of 0.93, followed by competitor orientation with the LX value of 0.91 and customer orientation with the LX value of 0.90 in descending order. 2.4) brand orientation consists of 3 components. The highest standardized regression weight was brand strategy with the LX value of 0.93, followed by brand identity with the LX value of 0.89 and brand equity with the LX value of 0.88 in descending order, and 2.5) technology acceptance consists of 2 components. The highest standardized regression weight was perceived ease of use with the LX value of 0.91 and perceived usefulness with the LX value of 0.86 in descending order.

  3. The model’s consistency of dharma principle communication by integrated marketing communication that affects the happiness of Buddhists. It is found that the model is consistent with the empirical data, with the values of 6 goodness of fit indexes that acceptable, that is  x2/ df = 1.474, CFI = 1.00, GFI = 0.99, AGFI= 0.95, RMSEA = 0.034 and SRMR = 0.015.

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How to Cite
เดือยพิมพ์ พ., & อู่อ้น ว. (2019). A MODEL OF DHARMA PRINCIPLE COMMUNICATION BY INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION THAT AFFECTING HAPPINESS OF BUDDHISTS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(9), 4311–4331. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/223464
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