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The objectives of this study were: 1) to investigate the students' satisfaction on learning management using community learning resources in the Multicultural and Local Wisdom course, 2) to compare students’ satisfaction on learning management using community learning resources in the Multicultural and Local Wisdom course by gender and age, and 3) to study students’ opinions about learning management by using community learning resources in the Multicultural and Local Wisdom course. The sample group consisted of 150 first year bachelor of nursing students at Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Nakhonratchasima, who enrolled in the Multicultural and Local Wisdom course in the academic year 2018. The samples were selected using the simple random sampling method. Data were collected from questionnaires and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test and content analysis.
The research results found that:
Students were satisfied with learning management by using community learning resources in Multicultural and Local Wisdom course at the highest level. All aspects were at the highest level, where the Instructor had the highest mean score, followed by Measurement and evaluation, and Instructional activities, respectively. When considering each item, it was found that the highest mean score was that the students chose the learning resources to study according to their interests, followed by teachers giving students freedom of thinking and making decisions, and students learned about the topics that were relevant to the needs, together with the teachers facilitating and taking care of the students, respectively
The students with different gender and age were not statistically different in their satisfaction on the overall learning management and each aspect
For the opinions, the study found that most students perceived that learning by using community learning resources enabled them of learning to work together in a group, having responsibility, learning culture and local wisdom from the actual sites, having hands-on learning experiences, gaining direct experiences, having thorough knowledge, seeing the value of local wisdom, being proud and continuing to preserve local wisdom, as well as developing of communication and presentation skills, and having fun and happy learning.
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