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พระเมธีธรรมประนาท (ปรีชา ปฏิภาณเมธี)
พระมหาอดิเดช สติวโร (สุขวัฒนวดี)


This Dissertation has three objectives: 1) to study the concept of Buddhist Counseling Psychology in Theravada Buddhism 2) to study the example cases and Buddha’s methods of Buddhist Counseling Psychology in Tripitaka and Atthakatha and 3) to the analyze use of Buddhist Counseling Psychology Integrated Approach. This study is a qualitative research. This study is a documentary research.

          The result of research is found as following:

          Buddhist Counseling Psychology’s the Buddha’s methods and Followers of counseling we find that is a process that the Lord Buddha sermonized to human beings whom had problems with suffering and they found the way of the cessation of suffering. Buddha please explained the problems clearly and attracted one’s mind on practicing along to his advises and to aim at solving problems until they would find happiness and could see the way of the solution of suffering (Dhukka). The Lord Buddha was a morally good friend and a good adviser. He let the decision-making up to them and get rid of all sufferings.  

          And the Methods process and activities in supporting it’s such as preaching, listening to the problem, Dhamma-dialogue, having the word of comfort, suggestion, mental development etc. The model is based on the concept of being Kalyanamitra (being a good friend) that called another's utterance and reasoned attention. The example cases that are demonstrated can confirm the achievement of Buddha’s methods of counseling and to be really able to solve problems. Each kind of methods is suitable for individual who asks for advice and the methods can be divided into 5 groups such as 1) stories health problems 2) stories mental problems 3) stories social problems 4) stories sickness problems 5) stories opinion and intellectual problems. The text of each example case has been analyzed the methods of counseling at the end of each story, different characters but there is the same objective that is helping human beings to find the cessation of suffering. The study of the Buddha’s methods of counseling and example cases in the Tripitaka and Atthakatha we can bring those stories into models and applied in solving and protecting problems of life in modern time.

          Buddhist Counseling Psychology Integrated Approach’s integrate the principles of modern science among counseling psychology and Buddhist psychology. Regarding to the integration of the counseling pattern in line with the psychology and in the Buddhist principle by mixed methods. The central knowledge that's gained from the study, the process consists of 7 steps as: 1) faith development with relatives step 2) friendly welcome step 3) Kalyanamitra talk step 4) Problem Preventing and problems understanding step 5) Guidance and Counseling Service step 6) sustainable happiness step and 7) prophecy step

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How to Cite
(ปรีชา ปฏิภาณเมธี) พ., & สติวโร (สุขวัฒนวดี) พ. (2019). A STUDY OF BUDDHIST COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY INTEGRATED APPROACH. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(8), 4041–4055. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/218282
Research Articles


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