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กัญญารัตน์ วัฒนสุขสิน
บุษกร สุขแสน
ธนกฤต ทุริสุทธิ์


The purposes of this research were 1) to study problems and demand of the Labour skill development of private vocational development schools in the upper northeastern region. 2) to determine strategies for the Labour skill development of private vocational development schools in the upper northeastern region. 3) to test and evaluate those strategies. This is mixed-methods research between quantitative and qualitative research by using the model of Research and Development. There were two sample groups of people for this research consist of the professional group 30 people and worker group 200 people. The research instrument was a questionnaire, and data analysis by using Statistics Frequency Percentage Mean, and Standard deviation.

          Result of the research:

  1. The study results of circumstances and demand of the Labour skill development of private vocational development schools in the upper northeastern region. There were problems and demand in every section is high level.

  2. The study result of problems, and demand of the Labour skill development of private vocational development schools in the upper northeastern region in the1 phase. After then set priorities in order of problems and demand in the 2 phase. The researcher took all results for analysis and synthesis to draft strategic plan afterwards workshop with 20 people. In the first strategy was building capacity every skill with communication skill. The second strategy was career building abilities with communication skills for the workplace including with the culture in other countries. The third strategy was ability under the working policy of Thailand.

          3. The result of test and evaluation before starting it the sample group knows, and understanding to perform work by mean less than 3.51. After the test, the sample group knows, and understanding how to perform work as the mean of the result more than 3.51 that passed the evaluation.

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How to Cite
วัฒนสุขสิน ก., สุขแสน บ., & ทุริสุทธิ์ ธ. (2019). LABOUR SKILL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES OF PRIVATE VOCATIONALDEVELOPMENT SCHOOLS IN UPPER NORTHEASTERN REGION. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(8), 4016–4029. retrieved from
Research Articles


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