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พระนิตินันต์ สนฺตกาโย (บุญสิริพิพัฒน์)
สิริวัฒน์ ศรีเครือดง
พุทธชาติ แผนสมบุญ


The subject of this research is the factors caused to the cognitive processes and wisdom as the concept of Buddhist psychology passed through Buddhist artworks. This is a Qualitative Research. The objectives of this research were to study Buddhist artworks that reflect the Buddhist principles, and psychology about cognition and wisdom. secondly, to study the cognitive processes and wisdom as the concept of Buddhist psychology, and the last one was to present that factors that cause to the cognitive processes and wisdom as the concept of Buddhist psychology passed through Buddhist artworks.

          Result of the research:

          1) the Buddhist artworks that reflect the principles, and psychology about cognition and wisdom by creation passed thinking process as concept of aesthetics, semiotics, and Buddhist principles 2) the cognitive processes and wisdom as concept of Buddhist psychology to integrate with cognitive psychology of Gestalt ‘s Theory, and 3) The factors have caused the cognitive processes and wisdom as concept of Buddhist psychology passed through Buddhist artworks is communication that leads to the cognitive processes and wisdom between the narrator, and Buddhist artworks by using Buddhist artworks transmitted knowledge consist of symbolic communication and knowledge of Buddhist principles. The narrator has used the Buddhist principles to motivate the teaching of principles to Buddhist that leads to the cognitive processes and wisdom as the concept of Buddhist psychology.

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(บุญสิริพิพัฒน์) พ. ส., ศรีเครือดง ส., & แผนสมบุญ พ. (2019). BUDDHIST PSYCHOLOGY FACTORS GENERATING COGNITIVE PROCESSES IN BUDDHIST ART. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(8), 3985–4000. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/217825
Research Articles


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