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พรประภา สุทธิจิตร
ประพันธ์ ศุภษร
ตวงเพชร สมศรี


         This research the objectives are: to study the principles of Satipatthana for enhancing holistic health, and the results of an application of Satipatthana in Tai-Chi exercise for enhancing elderly holistic health. Qualitative research was used. The data collections and instruments used were a tape recorder, documents, in-depth interview and participatory observation. The key informants were experienced scholars, specialists and 15 experienced Tai-Chi members at Senior educators and teachers organization of Thailand. Data were analyzed using content analysis.

          The results show that:

          The principles of Satipatthana for enhancing holistic health are: 1) Kaya : awareness of breathing in and out, to contemplate on the body, 2) Vedana: to contemplate on the feeling, 3) Citta: to be mindful to control the mind, and 4) Dhamma: the realization is to have wisdom. After practicing of these principles, we will develop to have a strong health and mind. The results of an application of Satipatthana in Tai-Chi exercise for enhancing elderly holistic health are composed of: 1) Physical: The Tai-Chi exercise is an exercise of inner power, and makes good blood circulation in the body. 2) Mental: The results of physical practicing is mental development. Mindfulness will protect the mind, can reduce mental suffering. 3) Intellectual: The movement is slowly related to the breathing until the mind is calm relax and gives wisdom. And4) Social: The mind is develop. The player able to control emotion and adjust to live with others well.

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How to Cite
สุทธิจิตร พ., ศุภษร ป., & สมศรี ต. (2020). AN APPLICATION OF SATIPATTHANA IN TAI-CHI EXERCISE FOR ENHANCING ELDERLY HOLISTIC HEALTH. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(10), 4898–4913. Retrieved from
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