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This qualitative research has three objectives; 1) to study the Buddhist ordinances about ordination, 2) to study restrictions on ordination in the Ayutthaya period, and 3) to study the factors of ordination in the Ayutthaya period
The research found that:
The ordination in Buddhism has the attracted screening of individuals who will serve succession age religion, which has a Buddhist commandment about the qualifications of those who come to ordain must be a person who is complete with both physical and gender. In the history of Ayutthaya society, the chance that the son will be ordained quite difficult have social restrictions and many laws which corresponds to the Buddhist commandment, such as to government officials, the debtor, slave, a man was flogged, men with serious communicable diseases, etc., But appeared in the Ayutthaya period with many monks and is characterized as both a lead and directs the spiritual side of social influence and role in society is very much Ayutthaya.
The ordination in the Ayutthaya period for ordination to seek benefits such as ordination, politics, education, social status change the avoidance of labor criteria, etc., with economic prosperity as support.
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