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พระครูสังฆรักษ์สมศักดิ์ ธนปญฺโญ (ทองสม)
พระครูวิจิตรศีลาจาร .
สิทธิโชค ปาณะศรี
อุทัย เอกสะพัง


This research entitled “An Analytical Study of the Belief in Chedi Appeared in Theravada Buddhist Scriptures”, focused on three main issues: 1) to study the background of Chediin Theravada Buddhist Scriptures, 2) to study the Beliefin Theravada Buddhist Scripturesand 3) to analyze the beliefs and values in Chedi. These are by method of qualitative focus on documentary researches.

          Results studied were found that:

  1. The background of Cetiya in Theravada Buddhist Scriptures, it is a building that should be respected in Buddhism. It originated in India, later, there were many crossings into various lands.The cause of the creation was to contain the Lord Buddha’s relics or the bones of important people for worship and to commemorate the Lord Buddha.

  2. The Belief in Theravada Buddhist Scriptures, refers to the beliefs that are composed and scrutinized in the decision-making process. There are 4 types: 1) belief in kamma 2) belief in the consequences of actions 3) belief in the individual ownership of action and 4) confidence in the Enlightenment of the Buddha.

          3. Beliefs and values in Chedi, found that there are 2 issues: 1) the beliefs of Buddhists towards Chedi, 5 aspects, namely, history, religious ceremonies, arts and architecture 2) The value of worshiping in Chedi, 4 aspects, namely, the value of commemoration of the Lord Buddha. The value of worship to the person who should worship, The value of bringing recollection of the Buddha and the Dhamma to develop yourself, and the value of expressing a good Buddhist culture.

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How to Cite
ธนปญฺโญ (ทองสม) พ., . พ., ปาณะศรี ส., & เอกสะพัง อ. (2019). AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF THE BELIEF IN CHEDI APPEARED IN THERAVADA BUDDHIST SCRIPTURES. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(5), 2419–2431. retrieved from
Research Articles


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