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พิศาล ดวงดึง
พระครูสิริสุตานุยุต .
พระครูสิริปริยัตยานุศาสก์ .
ทรงศักดิ์ พรมดี


          This research aims to: 1) study the Buddhist concept, and principle, for human resource development, 2) study the concept, context and principle of Buddhist community establishment of Buddhadhamma Garden, Lamphun Province, 3) analyze the procedure in Buddhist community establishment of Buddhadhamma Garden, Lamphun Province. This is a qualitative research having analyzed from the documents, in-depth interview and the focus group discussion and reported with a descriptive analysis.

          The research found that:

  1. the concept of human development in Theravada Buddhism came from the idea that Humans are the knowable and rational animals with the ability to develop themselves. In this case, the Buddha is the model in the highest development. In Buddhism there are many Buddhist principles that can be used for human development at all levels.

          2.On the concept, context and principles of Buddhist community establishment of Buddhadhamma Garden, Lamphun Province, it was found that the community follows the principles of charity and practices from the easier to difficulty level according to the guidelines of the householder that do not focus on the radical practice as the monks. There are the various activities to support the practitioners in each level.

  1. the analysis of the procedure in Buddhist community establishment of Buddhadhamma Garden, Lamphun Province, it was found that Buddhadhamma Garden applies the various forms of projects and activities with continuously organizing activities until they become the community culture based on the 5 Aryawati principle. These activities aim to promote and support the volunteers and the people in gradually developing themselves to become the good Buddhist laymen and laywomen. They voluntarily vow to develop in living the life of the nobleman for their lifetimes. They follow to the eight fold path, holding the example of the nobleman in the Buddha time.

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How to Cite
ดวงดึง พ., . พ., . พ., & พรมดี ท. (2019). AN ANALYTICAL STUDY ON THE BUDDHIST COMMUNITY ESTABLISHING PROCEDURE OF BUDDHADHAMMA GARDEN, LUMPHUN PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(5), 2671–2686. retrieved from
Research Articles


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