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ราณี ชูขำ
เด่น ชะเนติยัง


The purposes of the study were: 1) to determine the factors of the development of the preschool administration model in 21st Century; and 2) to present the pre-school administration model in 21st Century. The research methodology consisted of four steps: 1) analysis the document in order to set up the feature of research; 2) developing the factors of research with Delphi Technique; 3 focus group discussion; and 4) evolution. The analysis of the data was accomplished by computation of percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The median and inter quartile range were also computed to test the accordance prostituted of the study.

            Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that:

  1. The group of educational experts was strongly agreed with the factors and indicators of the development of the preschool administration model in 21st Century

  2. Bared on group discussion all of experts were absolutely agreed with the factors and indicators of the development of the preschool administration model in 21st Century

            3. Overall the opinions of 109 administrators toward the preschool administration model in 21st Century were at high level.

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How to Cite
ชูขำ ร., & ชะเนติยัง เ. (2019). THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRE-SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION MODEL IN 21ST CENTURY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(6), 2787–2801. retrieved from
Research Articles


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