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ธนิต ลีเลิศ
ประจญ กิ่งมิ่งแฮ
บุษกร สุขแสน


The purposes of research were 1) to study problem and demand of exercise for seniors in Udon Thani. 2) to design movement of exercise programs for seniors. 3) to sample and evaluate the types of exercise programs for seniors. The Research and Development, the data were analyzed by 1) quantitative research from senior sample group 400 people in local area. 2) workshop on 30 seniors by selected from specific person in area. the database analysis and summary 3) senior sample group 30 people as Research Instrument and test.


          The results of this study provided as following details.

  1. the problem and demand of exercise for seniors in Udon Thani in overview were low level of problem. The types of exercises were walking, running, Aerobic dance and Taijiquan. The average of demand 1) walking 2. Rum-Mai-Pong 3. Dance. The results indicated that the favorite activity was walking, according to walking is easy and safe.

  2. the results of types of exercise programs for seniors in Udon Thani was found 6 activities were 1) walking 2) Rum-Mai-Pong 3) Running 4) Aerobic dance 5) Taijiquan 6) Dance. The evaluation was suitable and passible.

  3. The sample and evaluation of types of exercise programs for seniors in Udon Thani province found that knowledge test before and after joining activities as the average were 4.10 points and 9.40 points in order. comparison between before and after results; the scores was higher in statistic 0.5., the conclusion of the evaluation is pass and can do in real life.

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How to Cite
ลีเลิศ ธ., กิ่งมิ่งแฮ ป., & สุขแสน บ. (2019). THE MODEL DEVELOPMENT TO EXERCISE FOR ELDERLY IN UDON THANI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(5), 2608–2622. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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