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สุทธิชัย ศรีรัตน์วงศ์


This study is a qualitative research in nature with the following objectives: 1) to study the general condition of coaching in business organizations, 2) to develop a coaching model in business organizations in accordance with Buddhist psychology, and 3) to examine the coaching model in business organizations based on Buddhist psychology. The researcher collected data from the Tipitaka, commentaries, academic texts, documents and related research, including in-depth interviews with 5 experts in coaching in order to study the general conditions of coaching in business organizations and presenting a coaching model in business organizations based on Buddhist psychology. After that the study group discussed with 11 experts about coaching and developing a model of business in Buddhist psychology, then check the validity and the suitability by having an exclusive group discussion with the 6 experts in coaching who have been expertise in the fields of education and Buddhism before applying to improve for more appropriate of coaching model. The results can be summarized as follows:

          For the coaching model in business organizations based on Buddhist psychology (COACHING model), there are 4 steps to coach. The procedures are such as 1) having his/her own goals, 2) finding the truth, 3) having choices, and 4) having the right path. There are 8 processes for a coach and a coachee as follows: 1) Confidence, 2) One’s own welfare, 3) Awareness, 4) Critical reflection, 5) Hear from others, 6) Insight 7) Noble eightfold path, and 8) Golden mean.

          Important knowledge gained from the research on the coaching model in business organizations based on Buddhist psychology are 1) Coaching model in business organizations based on Buddhist psychology (COACHING model), which presents the 8 processes of those who are coaches and coachees; It is located based on the concept of being a good friend to others, which is “Paratoghosa” of a coach and “Yonisomanasikara” that occurs inside a coachee and 2)The 4 steps of coaching in business organizations according to Buddhist psychology are such as 1) having his/her own goals, 2) finding the truth, 3) having choices, and 4) having the right path.

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How to Cite
ศรีรัตน์วงศ์ ส. (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF COACHING MODEL IN BUSINESS ORGANIZATION BASED ON BUDDHIST PSYCHOLOGY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(4), 1837–1853. retrieved from
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