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พระครูสังฆรักษ์ทวี ปริปุณฺโณ (น้อยมูสิก)
สิทธิโชค ปาณะศรี
พระครูวิจิตรศีลาจาร .
สวัสดิ์ อโณทัย



The objectives of this thesis were; 1) to study the treatment methods of Jivakakomaraphacca, 2) to study the treatment methods of Thai traditional medicine, and 3) to compare the methods of treatment of Jivakakomaraphacca and Thai traditional medicine by collecting information from documents and research related to the treatment of Jivakakomaraphacca and Thai traditional medicine Including interviewing Thai traditional medicine in the field Thai Medical in Nakhon Si Thammarat and Phatthalung provinces.

          The results showed that:

  1. Jivakakomaraphacca is a person who has a real identity, having a position as a doctor of the Lord Buddha whose name appears in the Tipitaka. He is a doctor who uses herbs to treat diseases. Jivakakomaraphacca’s medical scriptures came to play a role in Thailand by entering when Buddhism came to Thailand.

  2. The treatment of diseases of Thai traditional medicine in the field of Thai Medical calling a medical practitioner whether a Thai medicine doctor or a medical practitioner by opening a clinic. There are places to treat diseases as provided by law.

  3. The method of treatment the disease of Jivakakomaraphacca and Thai traditional medicine, there are both identical and different. The same part as traditional Thai medicine has the following characteristics: 1) Process and treatment methods focus on treatment at the root cause through the process of discussing history, physical examination, diagnose plan for treatment and selection of drugs that have properties that match the disease. 2) Concepts, treatment and disease diagnosis focus on physical and mental treatment according to the condition and age of the person along with introducing their own practices in the treatment of diseases including diagnosis to find the cause which causes illness, 3) medical ethics of Jivakakomaraphacca. The medical practitioner must be strictly moral and medical ethics.

  4. The difference of Jivakakomaraphacca and Thai traditional medicine found that Jivakakomaraphacca mentioned the following issues while Thai medicine is not mentioned as 1) knowledge of Thai traditional medicine received a combination of Chinese and Indian including the knowledge of Thai ancestors which has been a major improvement in the reign of King Rama 5, while the knowledge of the disease treatment of Jivakakomaraphacca has clearly appeared in the Tipitaka, 2) analytical principles for the treatment of diseases. Jivakakomaraphacca emphasizes the importance of cause’s disease, which is the important theory that appears in the Theravada Buddhist scriptures, 3) the pharmacopoeia of traditional Thai medicine according to the recorded medical texts and have a pharmacopoeia belonging to others while the pharmacopoeia of Jivakakomaraphacca is a self-written textbook.

          5. In the difference between the treatment of Jivakakomaraphacca and Thai traditional medicine, it was found that 1) The knowledge of the treatment of Jivakakomaraphacca has clearly appeared in the Tipitaka while the knowledge of Thai traditional medicine has been merged from China and India Including the knowledge of Thai ancestors which received significant improvements in the reign of King Rama 5. 2) Principles of analysis in the treatment of diseases, Jivakakomaraphacca emphasizes the importance of cause’s disease. Which is an important theory that appears in Theravada Buddhist texts, as for Thai traditional medicine, analyze the treatment using experience from ancestors and nature. 3) Pharmacopoeia of Jivakakomaraphacca is a self-written textbook while the pharmacopoeia of traditional Thai medicine is in accordance with the medical records that have been recorded and the medicine is owned by others.

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How to Cite
ปริปุณฺโณ (น้อยมูสิก) พ., ปาณะศรี ส., . พ., & อโณทัย ส. (2019). A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THERAPEUTIC METHODS OF JIVAKA KOMARABHACCA AND THAI TRADITIONAL MEDICINE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(4), 1933–1947. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/193031
Research Articles


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