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พระครูโสภณพุทธิศาสตร์ .
พระมหาสุทิตย์ อาภากโร


This research was “Religious identity: a model of meaning to create peace for the ASEAN community”. The objectives were to study the concept of practices religious identities. Focus on the process of religious meaning to analyze identity conflict human rights and religious meaning to create a peaceful understanding of the ASEAN community. This is a mixed method research of both documentary research and qualitative research. Connect knowledge about the concepts and principles that coexist in the ASEAN community along with Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Study the policies and mechanisms for promoting coexistence of the ASEAN community. According to the religion and local wisdom of government organizations, religious organizations, religious leaders and people by in-depth interviews and random sampling. Informational group is religious leaders and professionals about 30 persons from 5 countries. To find characteristics and conclusions and group discussions, guidelines for development of forms and processes of religious meaning and discourse formation to create a peaceful understanding of the ASEAN community.


          The study indicated that:

          the meaning of the religious identity of that person or group was dynamic. There are social class and ideological structures. However, it must rely on "communication" through language, symbol system, communication channels are driven to form social relations in accordance with the structure of each religion. Identities in the communication area and public area are complicated because it was related to the relationship between religious groups. Therefore, to avoid identity conflicts both within the individual's own conflict and conflicts between individuals with different religious identities. It was essential that the multicultural society must have a common area. That accepts differences in religious identities in the context of society and must be a central area that allows different identities to be shared equally.

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How to Cite
. พ., & อาภากโร พ. (2019). RELIGIOUS IDENTITY: THE INTERPRETATION MODEL FOR PEACE IN ASEAN COMMUNITY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(4), 1887–1912. retrieved from
Research Articles


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