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พระมหาธงชัย วณฺณวีโร


This research studies on the historical development of Buddhism in Chaiya district of Surat Thani province, Thailand with the following objectives: 1) to study the history of Chaiya district in Surat Thani province, Thailand2) to study the influence of Buddhism on Chaiya District in Surat Thani province, Thailand3) to study the historical development of Buddhism in Chaiya District of Surat Thani Province, Thailand focusing on documentary research and presenting descriptive data using qualitative research methodology

The research found that -:

  1. The city of Chaiya has evolved since the prehistoric period, about 7,000 years ago. It has developed into a community and an early city from accepting external civilization, and developed into a commercial port, which controls the path that is the bridge across the both oceans due to the influence of the Indian trade community.In the late Srivijaya period, evidence of the name of this city was revealed as “Grahi”and began to appear in the name of the city of Chaiya for the first time as a colony like Nakhon Si Thammaratin reign of King U-Thong, the founder of Ayudhya.In the Thonburi era after the fall of Ayudhya, the center of Chaiya moved to PhumRiang until the King Rama V of Rattanakosin. Kanchanadit City And Khiri Rat City have been combined with the city of Chaiya to set up a town hall at Ban Don. In the reign of King Rama IV, His Majesty the King gave the old city Chaiya to be "PhumRiang District" and Bestowed the name of Ban Don to "Muang Surat Thani" later changed the name of PhumRiang District to ChaiyaDistrict Until the reign of King Rama VII. The city of Chaiya moved from PhumRiang to Chaiya market near the current railway station, called "Chaiya District", which is an important historical and religious city.

  2. Muang Chaiya is a Dharma city that has been associated with Buddhism for a long time.People have faith in and adhering to Dharma since the age of Nakhon Pho (Si Pho), which is named afterthe bud of SiriBodhi and the prosperity of Buddhism in this city. Therefore, Buddhism has influenced the way of life of Chaiyapeople in every step of life and created culture and tradition in Buddhism Including playing songs, singing songs from the wisdom of the ancestors, all conveying the ultimate reality and good morals to the youth, lulling the spirit along with the melodious mood.

  3. Buddhism on the land around the Chaiya Bay began in the middle of the 2nd-3rdcenturies B.E. onwards, from being a trading port and andthe Buddhist missionary. There is evidence of the coming of Buddhism; jewelry which is a symbol in the early Buddhism was in the age range 2nd-5th centuries B.E. which Buddhist Indians prefer to carry with. Due to documentary evidence and archeology, it is assumed that in the beginning there were Theravada Maha-SanghikaSatavivada and MulasaravastivadaBuddhisms. In the early Srivijaya period, according to the monk, I Tsing, recorded that people have faith in Theravada MulasaravasativadaMaha-SangkikaSatavavada and Sommitiya Buddhism.Some have faith in Mahayana which is divided into the Matiyamika and Yogachara. Until around 13th-14thCentury B.E., the Tantra Mahayana Buddhism was very popular. There is a lot of stupas and bodhisattva images being built according to Mahayana beliefs. As of the 17thcentury B.E, the Lanka-Wangsa cults had entered this region. And left the principle of setting up the monk's position to preserve the Buddha’s relics,namely Phra-Khru-Kakaew and Phra-Khru-Karam, which later in the reign of King Rama V has changed its name to Phra-Kru-Rattanamuni-Sri-Sangkha-RajaAndPhra-khru-Sophonchetikaram. In the 20th-23rd century B.E., Siam-Wangsa Theravada Buddhism which is popular merged with the existing Langka-Wangsa and continues till date.

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