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พระสมพล ถาวโร (ทองรุช)
พระครูโกศลอรรถกิจ .
พระครูโฆสิตวัฒนานุกูล .
สวัสดิ์ อโณทัย


The study entitled 'The Guideline for the Application of Gratefulness in the Present Thai Society' aimed 1) to study the current problems of Thai society, 2) to study the principles of gratitude in line with the Buddhist scriptures. The study was conducted by the qualitative research methodology, focusing on documentary research with the presentation of descriptive data.

          The findings were as follows:

  1. The Current problems of Thai society Thai society is a society with Buddhism as an anchor for the mind. Live according to the teachings of Buddhism Thai society is therefore a society that the world has praised A society that is pleasant, generous, beautiful, smiling face but now the status of Siam City is smiling. Began to fade somewhat Relying on many factors such as economy, politics or people's habits Began to distance himself from the path of Buddhism Life is lacking in the mind. Until becoming a problem for Thai society.

  2. The Gratitude principles along the lines that appear in the Buddhist scriptures. The researchers found that Thai society praised those who are grateful. Is one virtue That can measure the goodness of a person Because it is a form of good behavior This gratitude is the basis of good people. When good people are grateful as a foundation All good virtue flows to include those good people.

          3. The Guidelines for the application of gratitude in the present Thai society. Thai society should follow the teachings of the Lord Buddha very much. Thai people should repay or show gratitude to the Lord Buddha for good behavior, physically, verbally and mentally in a moral framework. Good ethics Not causing trouble for oneself and others The Lord Buddha hoped that the animals of the world would be kind to one another, to establish oneself as good people.

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How to Cite
ถาวโร (ทองรุช) พ., . พ., . พ., & อโณทัย ส. (2019). THE APPLICATION GUIDELINE OF GRATEFULNESS IN THE PRESENT THAI SOCIETY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(6), 2700–2711. retrieved from
Research Articles


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