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พัชรพร สาลี


This article aimed to analyze language usage that reflected the culture according to the structure of Thai society and the art of arrangement of literary words through popular language in order to create the mutual understanding of the communication of people in daily life including each type of different writing that needed to be learnt and used correctly by taking into account the sentences, opportunities and contexts in order to maximize the effectiveness of communication in society which consisted of 8 contents as follows: convention, circumvent, spoonerism, terminology, pairs, which was divided into two as ancient pair and current pair, imagery, symbol, and idiom. The Thai nation was used culture and identity of both spoken and written which proud of their own languages to be deserved as a cultural heritage.

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How to Cite
สาลี พ. (2019). THAI LANGUAGE CONVENTION. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(4), 1622–1644. retrieved from
Academic Article


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