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สุชัย สิริรวีกูล
พระครูพิพิธสุตาทร .
พูนชัย ปันธิยะ
โผน นามณี


This article is part of the dissertation entitled to " Lanna Buddhist Arts and Building up Relationship between the Ethnic Groups in Mea Khong Sub Region ". The objective is to study: 1) the history of lanna Buddhist Art, 2) the building up relationship between the Ethnic Groups in Mea Khong Sub Region through the lanna Buddhist Arts and 3) analyze the factors having caused the relation building between them. It was done by a documentary research and Field Research.

          The results were found:

  1. The Lanna Buddhist arts had appeared since the 19th Buddhist Century by the Mangrai Dynasty Kings. These Buddhist arts had been influenced by two sources of Buddhist arts, i.e., 1) from the Buddhist Kingdom of Burma via Chiang Saen and Hariphunchaya Kingdoms, 2) from the Buddhist Kingdom of Lanka via the Sukhothai Kingdom. They had been developed during 150 years until the golden age of Buddhism in Lanna.

  2. The values of Lanna Buddhist arts had develop by 6 elements. They are 1) the Strength of the Army, 2) the Buddhist institutions, 3) the laws, 4) the Craftsmen, 5) the Agriculture 6) the Economy. These above-mentioned factors have played the influences of Buddhist Arts as the process in creating the relationships between the various ethnic groups in the Mea Khong Sub-region by many aspects such as: the politics and governance, the Buddhist beliefs, Society, culture, economy and technology.

          3. The Lanna Buddhist arts had built up the relationship between the ethnic groups in the Mea Khong Sub region with the help of 11 important factors: they are 1) the politics and governance 2) the increase of populations, 3) the Buddhist beliefs, 4) the education, 5) the etymology, 6) society and tradition, 7) the ethnicity, 8) geography, 9) the trade and economy, 10) the transportation and tourism and 11) the technology.

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How to Cite
สิริรวีกูล ส., . พ., ปันธิยะ พ., & นามณี โ. (2019). ANALYSIS LANNA BUDDHIST ARTS AND RELATIONSHIP CREATIVE PROCESS WITH THE ETHNIC GROUPS MEAKHONG SUBREGION. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(5). retrieved from
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