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This article is part of the dissertation entitled "The Integration of Buddha Dhamma to the Problem-solving of Mae Moh Mine Officers". This dissertation was a qualitative research in nature with the following objectives: 1) to study the context and problem-solving method; 2) to study the principle of Buddha Dhamma for problem-solving; and 3) to integrate the Buddha Dhamma for the problem-solving of Mae Moh mine officers.
The results were found:
The problems of the Mae Moh mine officers are classified into 4 groups: 1) Problems between officers against their own lifestyle with extravagant values, insufficiency, stealing, drug and abuse; 2) problems between officers and electricity production mission related to accumulated fatigue and stress causing mis-operation leading to accidents and losses; 3) problems between officers and their colleagues related to rivalry, jealousy, envy and discrimination against each other; 4) Problems between officers and environmental influence related to sulfur dioxide emission and lubricant leakage.
Buddha Dhamma principles that suitable for solving problems of the officers are prudently selected into 4 groups as follows: 1) the Three Characteristics, Brammavihāradhamma and Lokadhamma for their own lifestyle; 2) Sucaritadhamma, Iddhipādadhamma and Diṭṭhadhammikattha for electricity production mission; 3) Saṅgahavatthudhamma, Agatidhamma and Sārānṇīyadhamma to deal with their colleagues; and 4) the Contentment and Sappurissadhamma against an environment influence.
The Buddhist integration for problem solving of the officers consists of 4 elements: 1) solidarity helps virtues making for group integration; 2) clean work ensures no carelessness or encroaching themselves and the environment; 3) perseverance with faith makes the power generation mission successfully; and 4) careful scrutiny to diagnose problems with consciousness and intelligence on energy operation was safely done.
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