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The objectives of this research were to study 1) the police administration in prevention and suppression of human trafficking of Provincial Police Region 5, 2) the organizational competency and organizational management behavior that are related to and affecting the police administration in prevention and suppression of human trafficking of the Provincial Police Region 5. The population used to collect were police officers under the Provincial Police Region 5. The samples were chosen stratified random sampling. The sample size of 445 participants was determined by using the table of Krejcie & Morgan, with a confidence level of 95%. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire, which examines the quality of content validity by the qualified person with an index of item-objective congruence (IOC) of all questions more than 0.60. It finds reliability by using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The confidence of the questionnaire is 0.97. The data analysis used descriptive statistics were: frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation; and the Inferential statistics were: Pearson's product moment correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis.
The research results showed that:
- The police administration in prevention and suppression of human trafficking of Provincial Police Region 5 was a moderate level (
=3.19, SD =0.48)
- The organizational competency and organizational management behavior were positively correlated with the police administration in the prevention and suppression of human trafficking with the statistical significance level of .01.
- The organizational competency and organizational management behavior affecting the police administration in prevention and suppression of human trafficking positively with the statistical significance level of .01, with the ability to jointly predict police administration in prevention and suppression of human trafficking by 53.6 %.
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