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อุดมชัย อมาตยกุล
พูนชัย ปันธิยะ
เทพประวิณ จันทร์แรง
พระครูสมุห์ธนโชติ จิรธมฺโม


This research entitled "The Solution of Drinking Liquor by Buddhist Integration" has 3 objectives: 1) to study liquor in Buddhism and the principles of liquor drinking problems, 2) to study problems and solving liquor drinking problems of students, 3) to analyze the method of solving liquor drinking problems of students by Buddhist Integration. This research is a qualitative study consisting of document research and field research. There are 3 types of field data collection tools: in-depth interviews, participatory observation and group discussions.

          The results revealed that:

          Buddhism considers that liquor is an object that can make any person to drink, insane, causing negligence and loss of life for themselves and the public. The principle of solving liquor drinking problems is to develop the mind to be higher with the threefold Training: morality, concentration and wisdom. The problem of drinking liquor has created a huge impact on both the physical and mental self, family, including society. The solution should be a parenting, educational and social institutions. The solving liquor drinking problems of students by Buddhist Integration can use the Threefold Training which is a solution in 2 ways: 1. solving problems of the students themselves, 2. training the threefold training to the parents of students. The threefold training for students, which is the sample group in 3 faculties, has the following results: For students, it is found that the second faculty students have the ability to reduce liquor drinking at the highest level, accounting for 83.33 percent, followed by students from the 1st faculty, accounting for 75.00 percent, equal to the students of the 3rd faculty, accounting for 75.00 percent. For parents, it was found that the ability to take care of children to reduce liquor drinking was found that after training, their ability to care for their children to reduce liquor drinking. The parents of the 2nd faculty students are at the highest level, 83.33 percent, followed by parents of students from the 1st faculty, accounting for 75.00 percent, equal to the parents of the 3rd faculty students, accounting for 75.00 percent. And the result of the meeting with all students after practice is to reduce liquor drinking. As for the parents, it helps to remind the students who are children to always follow the threefold of training.

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How to Cite
อมาตยกุล อ., ปันธิยะ พ., จันทร์แรง เ., & จิรธมฺโม พ. (2019). THE SOLUTION OF DRINKING LIQUOR BY BUDDHISM INTREGATION. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(5), 2213–2232. retrieved from
Research Articles


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