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บุญเรือน ทองทิพย์
ศรุดา สมพอง



          This research purpose: 1) To study the public administration of the Ministry of Public Health In budget management. 2) To study problems and obstacles in solving the budget shortages of the Ministry of Public Health. and 3) To study the form of public administration by using social networks in budget management. Is a descriptive study. By using qualitative research methods. That uses in-depth interview techniques and group discussions, which are seeking information from senior management groups, including the Minister of Public Health or the representative, Director of the budget bureau or representative of 2 persons, The middle management group is the director of the hospital under the Ministry of Public Health who receives donations from the step-by-step project of 6 persons, Social networking groups, such as the step-by-step project of the body of the wind, General group Ministry of Public Health officials, and the general public, number 20, By group discussion and used to analyze data.

          Findings were as follows:

  1. Study the public administration of the Ministry of Public Health. With the context of social networks in solving the budget shortages of the Ministry of Public Health, it was found that the administration of the government's budget is complex and not disclosing true information to the public, acknowledging that the Ministry of Public Health has been accused of being accused and accused of being the cause of medical services and poor health and understand that corruption has occurred in the Ministry of Public Health.

  2. Study problems and obstacles in solving the budget shortages of the Ministry of Public Health. By social networks, found that the problems and major obstacles are coordination of government cooperation which does not apply the concept of public administration in the form of social networks. To apply in various government services cause problems to users If the government can use communication strategies and social networks will solve the budget shortage problem of the Ministry of Public Health and truly reach the target group.

  3. Study the form of government administration in promoting and supporting medical services and Public health by social networks, found that the cooperation of the people the government sector overlooked the support of public interest projects and did not give priority to the public sector. Make the state project and activities of the government sector do not fulfill the goals social networks which is a non-profit social network aims to support groups with similar opinions the content varies from arts, charity, education, politics, religion, research and other purposes. Obligations of social networks provide services to the private sector or the government sector itself cannot be a service provider thoroughly.

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How to Cite
ทองทิพย์ บ., & สมพอง ศ. (2019). GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION BY SOCIAL NETWORKS TO SOLVE THE SHORTAGE OF BUDGET OF THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(4), 1854–1871. retrieved from
Research Articles


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