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Objectives of this research were to study the states and problem on the learning organization of the large secondary schools in the southern border provinces specific extraordinary developing area, and to analyze the guideline of improving the learning organization of the individual components at large secondary schools in the southern border provinces specific extraordinary developing area by using the mixed method. Sample consisted of 249 teachers at 10 large secondary schools in southern border provinces specific extraordinary developing area. Research instruments were both the structural interview and questionnaire which was the estimated ratio scales. Qualitative data was the consensus analysis, while quantitative data analysis used with computer program. Statistics were frequency, percentage, and standard deviation.
Research results were found that:
- states of the learning organization of the schools both an overview and all of each aspect were in high levels.
2. The organization of learning of school has key issues. On Personal Mastery is the lack of compliances of parents and community. On Mental Models is the students learn by rote learning, and most of teachers teach with an emphasis on content. On Building Shared Vision is the most of teachers do not understand and have no participation in creating the vision of the schools. On Team Learning is the teachers lack the knowledge exchanging among them, and most of teachers adhere to their ego importantly. On Systems Thinking is the teachers do not use the teaching with integrated knowledge, and the teachers educate based on textbooks. And on Technology Application as the technology media is outdated, not in a good condition, and the teachers lack the skills to use media and technology. The improving guidelines on each side as on Personal Mastery, the schools should establish a network of parents to care for their students' behaviors. On Mental Models consist of the first issue is the teachers should educate the students how to learn from the practices, thinking learning, doing learning, calling that active learning. The second issue is the teachers in same groups of the learning contents should consult and teaching supervise each other. On Building Shared Vision. Schools should listen to the opinions of parents, teachers and school board, as well as related others for creating the vision of the school. On Team Learning has the first problem is the heads of the learning content groups should set the teacher groups to learning changing and teaching supervising each other regularly, and the second problem is schools should reiterate and advise the heads of the learning content groups for teachers in the learning content groups to sharing talking in the problem issues and finding the guidelines of solutions together regularly. The systems thinking has the first problem, schools should provide the training for teachers are competent in integrated teaching, and the second problem is the universities should modify the way of exam entrancing the university. In term of technology issue, the first problem is the schools should provide the technology media with a reasonable amount sufficient by budget and funding. The second problem, schools should provide the teacher training with the knowledge and ability to use technology for various teaching.
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