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ณพัฐธิกา ปิติเลิศศิริกุล
สมเกียรติ ตุ่นแก้ว
ไพรภ รัตนชูวงศ์


The purpose of this research is to 1) study the context and situation of the Learning Resource Management of the Rajapark Institute 2) to propose the Strategic Management of the Learning Resource to the Rajapark Institute That can be put into action Using the integrated research model Qualitative and quantitative The tools used were questionnaires and interview forms to analyze the quality by using inductive analysis. And descriptive content analysis Quantitative by using the questionnaire of Taro Yamane, which is the selection of the sample and finding the sample size The sample consisted of 69 administrators, academics, students and community leaders. . Use with statistical analysis By using descriptive statistics Frequency distribution Finding percentage

          The results showed that the context and situation of Rajapark Institute To manage learning sources towards excellence 1) There are insufficient learning resources 2) Budget problems 3) Teachers and school administrators do not give importance 4) No information system 5) Management inconsistent with the situation 6) There are no inspections, monitoring, and evaluations on the desirable conditions of factors affecting sources of learning, types of objects and places. Natural resource type Publications and electronic media, budget techniques must be urgently revised and resolved. Hinder management of learning resources to be excellent at Rajapark Institute For the overall is 3.54 that passed the criteria specified in the level of impact is at a high level. Level of impact in the area / place Personnel impact level Supervision level, direction, and factors affecting the management of learning resources Mission impact level Valuing values Personnel impact level The level of impact on supervision, supervision, follow-up and present the strategy of learning resources management to be excellent 3 strategies

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How to Cite
ปิติเลิศศิริกุล ณ., ตุ่นแก้ว ส., & รัตนชูวงศ์ ไ. (2019). STRATEGIES FOR LEARNING RESOURCES MANAGEMENT FOR EXCELLENCE OF RAJAPARK INSTITUTE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(8), 4149–4165. retrieved from
Research Articles


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