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พระครูสิรธรรมานุยุต (อภิรมย์ พลชะนะ)


This thesis entitled ‘Guidelines for Applying the Buddhist Principle on Supporting the Householder in the present Thai family’ has three objectives: 1) to study problems of householder in the present Thai family, 2) to study Theravada Buddhist teachings, and 3) to study the application of Buddhist teaching into the promotion of householder in the present Thai society. This is a qualitative research done by studying documentaries and then the descriptive analysis is done.


          In the research, it was found that:

  1. At the present, the conditions of Thai family are in the complexity where the living life is directly affected by such states resulting in the broken family; those problems are of family conflict and violence including adultery which lead to divorce. The mentioned problems need to be immediately solved because the family is the social institution playing the crucial role to individual and public as a whole

  2. as far as the family is concerned, Buddhist teaching concerning with honesty is of so important aspect whereby the Thai family is happily stabilized because such an honesty has three essential characteristics: 1) it can be behaviorally shown through three ways, mental, body and verbal honesty, 2) it is concerned with oneself; it deals mainly with speech, time and justice, and 3) it is concerned with other, husband and wife, by not committing adultery,

  3. In order to apply Buddhist teachings to support household-life in the present Thai family, one should put virtue of honesty into action so that various problems relating to family can be gradually reduced. Through the application of honesty the foundation of family can be firmly grounded where the mutual relationship can be sustained. Consequently, the long term relationship can be actualized respectively.

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How to Cite
(อภิรมย์ พลชะนะ) พ. (2019). GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING THE BUDDHIST PRINCIPLE ON SUPPORTING THE HOUSEHOLDER IN THE PRESENT THAI FAMILY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(3), 1397–1414. retrieved from
Research Articles


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