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ยงยุทธ ดูสาย
อินถา ศิริวรรณ
บุญเชิด ชำนิศาสตร์


The objectives of this research were; 1) to study state of students’ learning motivation, 2) to develop learning motivation strategies for students, and 3) to examine learning motivation strategies of students in primary schools under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. The mixed research methodology was used in the study. The qualitative data were collected by in-depth interviews with 10 school administrators and teachers, and by focus group discussions with 10 experts. The quantitative data were collected by questionnaires from 322 samples. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.


          The results of the study found that:

          The states of problems in learning motivation of students in primary schools under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration revealed that the subject contents were too difficult for students to learn; students lacked of learning motivation, classroom conditions could not facilitate learning atmosphere; learning media, instrument, technology, computer, and internet did not meet the teaching and learning requirements because the shortage of budget; the school environment was not clean, tidy and shady; the teacher-centered learning was still practiced, and teachers lacked of learning skills, analytical thinking skills, and learning activity process.

          The development of learning motivation of students in primary schools under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration consisted of vision: universal standard quality school, and mission: student-centered learning management to follow Thailand 4.0, to build and promote community arts, cultures and traditions, to develop teachers and school personnel with the 21st century teaching skills, and to develop students in virtue and public minded sacrifice.

          The examination result of learning motivation of students in primary schools under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration in utility was at a high level overall. The highest level started at vision, followed by learners, learning atmosphere, relation of the learners and learning atmosphere, goal, and mission respectively.

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How to Cite
ดูสาย ย., ศิริวรรณ อ., & ชำนิศาสตร์ บ. (2019). MOTIVATION STRATEGIES FOR LEARNING OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN BANGKOK EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(3), 1379–1396. retrieved from
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