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พระครูปริยัติกิจวิธาน (ไพสิทธิ์ ศรีรอด)
สมบูรณ์ บุญโท
สวัสดิ์ อโณทัย


The objectives of this research were as followings: 1) to study the paradigms of development of the postmodern Thai society    2) to study the Buddhist Philosophy on the principle of Kalamasutta    3) to apply the Buddhist philosophy on the principle of Kalamasutta for solving the problem of the postmodern Thai society 4) to create the new body of knowledge and form of development quality of life. The researcher used the documentary research and stressed the qualitative method, descriptive method and discursive method through the analysis.   

          The results of this research were found that firstly, even passed so long time, the thought, belief and behavior of the Thai society had yet accepted all paradigms. Secondly, Kalamasutta had appointed the post which the Buddha had introduced the Kalama people how to use the wisdom for hearing happened events then consider the contents whether it was valid or invalid. Kalama people must be ready to hear them through justice mind and without being not let until considered well after that they ought to believe. The humans deluded in materialism and consumerism and became slavery of matters because of the belief that humans’ happiness depended on the matter or based on the matter then denied the other, for example, religion. It was caused the life without equality and temperance. Hence humans sought only matter and money for support themselves. The new body of knowledge and the model of development of life quality could be summarized in 3 powers, that is to say, BKRS. They were derived from    B = Belief, K = Knowledge and   R = Reason, s =   to Power of Postmodern Society.

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(ไพสิทธิ์ ศรีรอด) พ., บุญโท ส., & อโณทัย ส. (2019). THE APPLICATION OF THE BUDDHIST EPISTEMOLOGY OF KALAMASUTTA IN THE POSTMODERN THAI SOCIETY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(3), 1512–1530. retrieved from
Research Articles


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