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The objectives of this research are 1) study the guidelines and methods suitable for public and private organizations to promote the family business of Lao PDR. To become SMEs business and 2) able to expand the business to Thailand. Used the mixed method that consists of qualitative research using an in-depth interview form through the tool quality check both the content coverage and content integrity with 5 experts to collect information from government agencies 23 private sector and business entrepreneurs, families or SMEs, and quantitative research using the questionnaire for opinions of 400 SMEs entrepreneurs, which passed the internal consistency measurement, Cronbach's Alpha value model requiring that the confidence value of the questionnaire must be from 0.70 or higher. Quantity research using multiple regression analysis to be used for analyzing the relationship between internal and external factors and using statistics for finding the consistency between internal and external factors by finding the Pearson's chi-square coefficient.
The results of the study showed
The quality research was composed of guidelines and appropriate methods that public and private organizations would promote the family business of Lao PDR. To become SMEs business is, upstream process, should support the production of products and services in line with the market with a variety and good standards at the same time, assisting entrepreneurs in accessing funding sources including support for training and skill training. Midstream process, support for machine tools, technology and innovation at the same time, adjusting the management attitude and organizational structure change to be professional. Edit and update the law while also expanding the business network along with creating a system to monitor and evaluate potential. Downstream process, should provide assistance in marketing knowledge while also promoting access to the public market continuous research and development of consumer needs establish a distribution center to large cities. Guidelines and appropriate methods that government and private organizations will promote SMEs to be able to expand into Thailand by providing support for production factors, technology, innovation and staff readiness. Promotion of economic stimulus policies for the foundation. Support investment and build a business camp while the government sector must act to educate entrepreneurs and provide loans for low-interest long-term investment. Creates opportunities for expansion into foreign countries as well.
The results of the quantitative study showed that the analysis of external factors of the PESTLE Model in law and regulations is the factor that can promote to SMEs as much as the average 4.248 while the factors of production is the internal factor that can promote to the most SMEs with an average of 4.225. Which supporting and related industrial factors is the only factors that are not consistent with the social impact factors and those involved
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