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พระปลัดสัญญา สญฺญโต
พระครูปริยัติธำรงคุณ .
พระปลัดนิคม ปัญญาวชิโร
พระครูปลัดคำรณ กตปุญฺโญ
โสภณ บัวจันทร์


The purposes of the history of the Tapee Basin Community settlement are as follows. 1) to study the history of archeological legend around Ban Don Bay 2) analyze community settlements based on geography and culture 3) synthesize the knowledge of settlement history of the communities around Ban Don Bay, Tapee basin. This research uses qualitative research methodology by studying relevant research papers and field storage in community areas. The local targets are Chaiya District, Tha Chang District, Phunphin District, Khiri

The purp0ses 0f the hist0ry 0f the Tapee Basin C0mmunity settlement are as f0ll0ws. 1) t0 study the hist0ry 0f arche0l0gical legend ar0und Ban D0n Bay 2) analyze c0mmunity settlements based 0n ge0graphy and culture 3) synthesize the kn0wledge 0f settlement hist0ry 0f the c0mmunities ar0und Ban D0n Bay, Tapee basin. This research uses qualitative research meth0d0l0gy by studying relevant research papers and field st0rage in c0mmunity areas. The l0cal targets are Chaiya District, Tha Chang District, Phunphin District, Khiri Rat Nikh0m District and Kanchanadit District. They are l0cated ar0und Ban D0n Bay.

The research f0und that1) The hist0ry 0f arche0l0gical legend ar0und the bay is full 0f arche0l0gy and culture in India. The evidence is widespread in Chaiya, Tha Chang, Phunphin, Khiri Rat Nikh0m, Muang and Kanchanadit.  They are l0cated ar0und Ban D0n Bay by the wisd0m way 0f the c0mmunity 0f the Tapee River basin in Surat Thani. 2) Analyzing the c0mmunity settlements based 0n ge0graphy and culture, where Indians c0me t0 Malaya 0r Suvarnabhumi t0 benefit trade , pr0paganda and culture with the pursuit 0f  the land 0utside the m0therland since 2000 years ag0. The transp0rtati0n is acr0ss the Cape at Takua Pa - Ban D0n. This land is als0 the result 0f the pe0ple in the bay 0f D0n has a l0t 0f Thai 0riginal difference because 0f the influence 0f Indian culture in the land ar0und Ban D0n Bay. 3) Kn0wledge 0f settlement hist0ry 0f c0mmunities ar0und Ban D0n, Tapee basin, the research team is full 0f h0pe 0f this study "Revive the spirit 0f Srivijaya resurrecti0n with the traces 0f the wisd0m 0f life that is r00ted in Ban D0n Bay". It has been rest0red t0 that land 0f this era. Supp0rting the spirit 0f Srivijaya resurrecti0n t0 this land by driving thr0ugh vari0us activities and pr0jects 0f Surat Thani such as public markets, cultural markets, cultural streets, Ban Mae Num Muang Kh0n Dee, and further cultural traits.

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How to Cite
สญฺญโต พ., . พ., ปัญญาวชิโร พ., กตปุญฺโญ พ., & บัวจันทร์ โ. (2019). THE HISTORY OF THE TAPEE BASIN COMMUNITY SETTLEMENT. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(4), 2098–2121. retrieved from
Research Articles


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