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สุภางค์พิมพ์ คล้ายธานี
พระราชสิทธริเวที .
พระครูศรีเมธาภรณ์ .
พระมหานันทวิทย์ แก้วบุตรดี


Research on Management Woven fabric for identity dominant in the region. There are 3 main objectives: (1) to study the management Woven fabric for identity dominant in the region, (2) to develop a model for managing Woven fabric for identity dominant in the region (3). The proposed model for identity management woven fabrics featured in the ASEAN research methodology was qualitative studies have documented. And interviews from a sample fabric woven offense. Phichit and number 26 / person discussion group 11 / tool used in this research is interview.

          The research found that:

          Identity outstanding fabric is the process and technique of each location of the fabric because of this, the group homespun, Thailand has woven a beautiful and distinctive identity of ASEAN. Thailand makes woven fabric is a fabric that ASEAN is interested in the beauty of woven Thailand and exported goods and products that are known woven ground. Thailand

          Management woven fabric for identity dominant in the region. Buddhism, which has managed to weave Native identity dominant in the region. Buddhism is as follows: 1) Sangahavatthu objects 4, 2) distribution of wealth as four Buddhist principles that can be applied in the administration. Thailand and promotion Woven fabric Woven fabric made with a distinctive identity as interested in the countries of ASEAN. And the world today

          Management style woven fabric for identity dominant in the region. A format that is managed woven part 1 of 3) Management woven flooring 2) to promote and develop the art of weaving, Thailand 3) production process weaving a distinctive identity in the region. According to the model form Step Promote Buddhism Model of research, it is a model that can effectively contribute to the fabric of other provinces.

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How to Cite
คล้ายธานี ส., . พ., . พ., & แก้วบุตรดี พ. (2019). THE MANAGEMENT FABRICS FOCUSED IN IDENTITIES OF THE ASEAN. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(3), 1232–1248. retrieved from
Research Articles


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