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พระครูวิรัติธรรมโชติ .
สมบูรณ์ บุญฤทธิ์
พีระพล สงสาป


The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the process of operation of the elderly school in the southern 2) to study the guidelines for the management of health and welfare of the elderly in the elderly school in the southern 3) to study the strengthening of the elderly school network in the health and welfare management of the elderly in the southern. This research is a Mixed Methods research in both quantitative and qualitative. In terms of quantitative data, the researcher used a questionnaire to collect basic information of the elderly in schools that were sample groups of 2 schools. In terms of quality, the researcher used the interview form in collecting data on the operation of the elderly school and small group meetings (Focus groups).


The research found that:

  1. The process of operation of the elderly school in the southern. The Elderly Schools in the southern have the same establishment characteristics and operation. In the care of liability, there is a responsibility by different local organizations / community. As for the process of acquiring learners in the elderly school, there will be admissions for students according to the duration and study according to the specified course. In the curriculum and teaching activities, there is a similar course arrangement that provides general knowledge necessary for the elderly, elderly health care and nutrition knowledge for the elderly.

  2. Guidelines for the management of health and welfare of the elderly in the elderly schools in the southern, found the elderly health management approach in the elderly school in the physical aspect by providing volunteers in the community to take care of the elderly. The mental aspect is important to the elderly, allowing the elderly to express their potentiality. In the intellectual, emotional, allowing the elderly to learn how to use modern technology knowingly and doing various recreational activities that are in line with the needs of the elderly. In terms of society / environment, allowing the elderly to use their knowledge and experience to benefit the community and society, and use the elderly in the elderly school as a base for housing development and the environment is pleasant to live.

  3. Strengthening the role of networks in the management of elderly health and welfare in elderly schools in the southern found that the elderly school should be established in each community as an elderly school at the sub-district level because they can develop the elderly systematically. As for the pursuit of co-operation networks, the government and local private organizations can be used as a network to operate the elderly school according to their roles. In the operation of the elderly school and the network must be Consistent integration.

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How to Cite
. พ., บุญฤทธิ์ ส., & สงสาป พ. (2019). SCHOOL OF ELDERS: WELL-BEING SYSTEM MANAGEMENT AND BENEFITS IN THE SCHOOLS IN CASE OF THE SOUTH OF THAILAND. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(3), 1339–1362. retrieved from
Research Articles


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