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พระมหาสายัญ ถิรปญฺโญ ชาญชาติ
สมศักดิ์ บุญปู่
ระวิง เรืองสังข์


The objectives of this research are 1) to study the problems and problems of innovation in teaching and learning of Phra Pariyatidhamma School Department of General Education 2) for the development of innovative teaching and learning management at the Phrapariyattidhamma School Department of General Education 3) to present the teaching and learning innovation of Phra Pariyatma School Department of General Education By using a mixed method research methodology qualitative Research Methodology with Documentary Research by studying the relevant research papers, giving out the sample questionnaires of 556 images / person and creating a semi-structured interview form for in-depth interviews (In- depth interview from 5 key informants / innovation development group by Focus group discussion, 10 Using tools is an unstructured in-depth interview And data analysis by content analysis And quantitative research To examine educational innovations by handing out questionnaires in accordance with 4 assessment standards, namely 1) benefits, 2) feasibility, 3) suitability, 4) accuracy, sample number 201 images / person, statistics used for analysis Data on average, percentage and standard deviation
         The research found that:

          The problem of teaching and learning innovation is the teachers lacking the development of teaching and learning innovation 2 types 1) Media, inventions, teaching 2) Teaching methods According to studies, it has been found that The educational innovation in teaching and learning needs the most need is 1) Media, skill set and teaching method, activity format 2) Media, storytelling series 3) Form of teaching method, 4 MAT 4) CIPPA MODEL and 5) game media

          The development of educational innovation in teaching and learning from research found that: 1) Educational innovations in teaching and learning materials, inventions (1) Media skills training sets Teaching innovation is the Buddhist intelligent lesson, exercises, skills training, Kahoot, Buddhist genius training. (2) The media for the teaching of innovative teaching Fairy tale story legendary stories, fun stories, folk tales, fun, and role-playing. Thai folk tale skills training (3) Innovative game media series, teaching games, wheel games, Dharma games, picture matching games, picture editing games, puzzles, group work, games, QR Test code, matching game, Buddhist history, not forgetting, practice Buddhism into Thailand 2) Teaching methods The teaching method consists of (1) CIPPA MODEL teaching and learning innovation. Buddhist disciples exercise, group work, QR test code, Buddhist disciples, leading disciples (2) Teaching 4 MAT, teaching and learning innovation Manage cooperative learning, Jigsaw techniques, Buddhist skills training, QR test code, Buddhist skills training (3) Activity-based teaching Innovation in teaching and learning, teaching process, practice, formal practice, Kahoot, practice of ordinance skills

          Examination of the development of teaching and learning innovation at Phrapariyattidhamma School Department of General Education Research indicates that the overall picture is at the highest level, in descending order, from the least to the most. With the highest average level, followed by the next possibility is accuracy and the lowest mean is Suitability with average values ​​respectively.

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How to Cite
ชาญชาติ พ. ถ., บุญปู่ ส., & เรืองสังข์ ร. (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHING AND LEARNING EUCATIONAL INNOVATION OF PHRAPARIYATTIDHAMMA SCHOOLS, GENERAL EDUCATION DIVISION. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(3), 1130–1147. retrieved from
Research Articles


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