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อนงค์ภัทร์ ทรัพย์กนกมาศ
พระโสภณพัฒนบัณฑิต .
พระครูสุธีคัมภีรญาณ .


This research aims were 1) to study the concept of business management and state of the department stores in the Present contemporary 2) to study business management according to Buddhist doctrines and 3) to synthesis a model of the department stores management in accordance to Buddhist doctrines. The research was qualitative. The tools of the research were the in-depth interview, the observation which analysis data by descriptive method.

          The resut of research were as follows: -

  1. The concept of management consists of the principles of the department stores services, customer service. The process of decision-making to select the department stores service, 3) business direction of department stores in Khon Kaen province consist of Big C, Fairy plaza and Robinson.

  2. Business management based on Buddhist Doctrinces of the administrator of department stores ‘s management in Khon Kaen province by the seven Suppurisa-Dhamma i.e. Dhammannuta: knowing the law. Atthannutta: knowing the meaning, Attannuta: knowing oneself, Mattannuta : moderation, Kalannuta : knowing the proper time, Parisannutta: knowing the society and Puggalannuta: knowing the different individuals. The managers applied the Suppurisa-Dhamma for personal lifestyle, the Sangahavattthu for public lifestyle of a person and the Iddhipada for working style.

  3. The synthesis of business management model of the Department Stores follows to the three Buddhist Doctrinces as follows; - 1) business characteristics synthesized into the Iddhipada Doctrines for working style 2) the policy and business running synthesized into the Sangahavattthu doctrines for public lifestyle and 3) business direction synthesized into the Suppurisa-Dhamma Doctrines for personal lifestyle.

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How to Cite
ทรัพย์กนกมาศ อ., . พ., & . พ. (2019). A MODEL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEPARTMENT STORES IN ACCORDANCE WITH BUDDHIST DOCTRINES. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(6), 3172–3187. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/177387
Research Articles


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