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พระครูศรีปรีชากร (เลื่อน บุญยงค์)


The objectives of the study were 1. To study Buddhist communication guidelines for peace. 2. To study communication problems in Thai society 3. To analyze the Buddhist communication guidelines for peace in Thai society. This research is qualitative and collecting qualitative data from the Buddhist sacred scriptures (in Thai version) of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. To study the concept idea, process, benefits, and value of Buddhist communication guidelines for peace in Thai society according to Buddhism. There was more collecting data from (Sammàvàcà) Right Speech, documents, books, associated thesis, and searching concepts online which have benefits and value for this research. Next step, In-depth interviews to academic professional of 25 people after that get results of this object.


          Result of the research

          Buddhist communication guidelines for peace was (Sammàvàcà) Right Speech including the (Magga) Noble Eightfold Path, and (Vacãsucarita) good action in speech in 4 types.1) refrain from telling lies 2) refrain from sarcastic speech 3) refrain from rude speech 4) refrain from prattle, and the one that should follow was (Vacãsucarita) good action in speech consist of 1) a right time to speak 2) Speak truth 3) speak politely 4) useful things to be saying 5) mercy speech without prejudice. Meanwhile, Buddha as he was communicant and a genius person who knows the right time and place to speech so that listeners were understood and able to achieve the goal and have peace in life. The results of the study showed that the communication problems consist of 4 topics 1) telling lies 2) sarcastic speech 3) rude speech 4) prattle on the online media as it was the reason for “Hate speech” or (Vacãduccarita) misbehaviour in words were speaking in the bad ways to make people hate and against each other as it was beginning of a Political warfare, and impact to Thai society at present time. Buddhist communication guidelines for peace in Thai society could have (Vacãsucarita) good action in speech in 4 ways including with (Sàràõãyadhamma) states of conciliation; virtues for fraternal living in 6 ways consist of be history, beloved and respected, be support, no quarrel, be unity and harmoniousness as it could support Thai society has peace.

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How to Cite
(เลื่อน บุญยงค์) พ. (2019). A BUDDHIST COMMUNICATION GUIDELINE FOR PEACE IN THAI SOCIETY: BUDDHIST WAY OF COMMUNICATION FOR PEACE IN THAI SOCIETY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(6), 2802–2820. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/177014
Research Articles


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