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อรอุมา อสัมภินวัฒน์
พระราชปริยัติกวี (สมจินต์ วันจันทร์)
แม่ชีกฤษณา รักษาโฉม


This research is of three objectives, 1) to study of the status and the living of the single mothers in Thai society, 2) to study of the Buddhadhamma for living of the mothers, and 3) to present a model of the single mother’s livelihood in the integrated Buddhist perspective. This is the qualitative research in both of the documentary research and field work by the In-depth interview of the twenty single mothers who have lived in the nuclear family and had an experience of raising children at least five years from various occupations, including to focus group discussion from the qualified person. The presentation of research is the description to express the connection of data in each parts of the objectives.


          The findings were as follows:

  1. The status and the living of the single mother in Thai society found that the structure of Thai families was changed, the member of the single mothers was continually rising The proportion of the single mothers are the 80% There are four causes of the single mothers’ livelihood: 1) divorce, 2) spouse death, 3) separation, and 4) abandonment. The divorce is the main cause of the single parent family. The problems or the effects of the single mother are from; 1) the burden and living of family, 2) the sadness and unhappiness, 3) being questioned by society, and 4) the problem of raising of children. From the study of the concept and the theory relating to the living of single mothers can be concluded the frame of study the way of living in the present into 3 aspects; taking care of physical and mental health, raising of children, and the way of living in society.

  2. The principle of Buddhadhamma for living of the single mother found that the important Dhamma for the single mothers’ livelihood are; 1) the Dhamma for taking care of the physical and mental health (forcing the problem) e.g., Paratoghosa, Sati–Sampajañña: mindfulness and clear comprehension, Saddhã: faith, and Yonisomanasikãra: analytical thinking, 2) the Dhamma for taking care of the physical and mental health (self-development) e.g., Ti-sikkhã: the Threefold Training, and Sappãya: the suitable condition, 3) the Dhamma for raising of children, e.g., the Kalyãṇamittatã: having a good friend, Brahmavihãra: the sublime state of mind , and the six directions, and 4) the Dhamma for living in the society, e.g., Sangahavatthu: principle of service. And the last Dhamma affecting the result in the present is Diṭṭhidhammikattha: virtues leading to temporal welfare as the achievement to the present.

  3. A model of the single mothers’ livelihood in the integrated Buddhist perspective found that 1) the way of living of the twenty persons of sample group of single mothers found that is (The period of facing problems): (1) living in the early stage is important to have a good friend to listen to the problem, to have an encouraged person, to speak the problem of life to others for creating the energy to move forward life, (2) acceptance and adaptation; they must be mindful and patient, accepting the problem in their life, facing with what lied ahead, not escape the problems, coping of change, (3) be self-confident, (4) thinking the problems, and planning of life clearly. (The period of self-development): the single mothers had used the Buddhadhamma to living by the observance of the five precepts, praying, meditating for clam mind, including to self-development in the practice of insight meditation. The way of raising of children is to use the principle of a good friend to children, to be good sample, teaching them on gratitude, to be responsibility on duty and to be a good person in society. The way of living in the society is to develop themselves as the volunteers, to present themselves for participating activity which is the benefit for all people and society. 2) The way of applying the Buddhadhamma to the single mothers’ livelihood is consist the Seven steps respectively; the first step: the first step: to help for advice and giving encouragement by another’s utterance, the second and third step: is an acceptance and adaptation by mindfulness and clear comprehension, the fourth step: the confidence on action by faith, the fifth step: the criticize and planning of life by critical thinking, the sixth step: the development of life by the three aspects; 1) the physical and mental development by the Threefold Training and suitable condition, 2) raising of children by having a good friends, the sublime state of mind, and the six directions, and 3) living in the society by the principle of service, and the seventh step: the result can be seen in the present by the virtues leading to temporal welfare. 3) The new knowledge from research is called The Seven “A” Model; they are A-Assist, A–Accept, A-adapt, A-Afford, A-Analyze, A-Apply and A-Achieve. This model can be applied to the framework for living of the single mothers in the present society.

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How to Cite
อสัมภินวัฒน์ อ., (สมจินต์ วันจันทร์) พ., & รักษาโฉม แ. (2019). A MODEL OF THE SINGLE MOTHERS’S LIVELIHOOD IN THE INTEGRATED BUDDHIST PERSPECTIVE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(3), 1486–1511. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/166525
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คุณพี นามสมมติ. (2 พฤษภาคม 2561). รูปแบบการดำเนินชีวิตของแม่เลี้ยงเดี่ยวเชิงพุทธบูรณาการ. (อรอุมา อสัมภินวัฒน์, ผู้สัมภาษณ์)

คุณคิว นามสมมติ. (3 พฤษภาคม 2561). รูปแบบการดำเนินชีวิตของแม่เลี้ยงเดี่ยวเชิงพุทธบูรณาการ. (อรอุมา อสัมภินวัฒน์, ผู้สัมภาษณ์)

คุณอาร์ นามสมมติ. (5 พฤษภาคม 2561). รูปแบบการดำเนินชีวิตของแม่เลี้ยงเดี่ยวเชิงพุทธบูรณาการ. (อรอุมา อสัมภินวัฒน์, ผู้สัมภาษณ์)

คุณเอส นามสมมติ. (5 พฤษภาคม 2561). รูปแบบการดำเนินชีวิตของแม่เลี้ยงเดี่ยวเชิงพุทธบูรณาการ. (อรอุมา อสัมภินวัฒน์, ผู้สัมภาษณ์)

คุณที นามสมมติ. (6 พฤษภาคม 2561). รูปแบบการดำเนินชีวิตของแม่เลี้ยงเดี่ยวเชิงพุทธบูรณาการ. (อรอุมา อสัมภินวัฒน์, ผู้สัมภาษณ์)