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ปัติมา โฆษิตเกษม
จักรพงษ์ แพทย์หลักฟ้า
กิตติกรณ์ นพอุดมพันธ์
อธิพัชร์ วิจิตสถิตรัตน์


This research aims to study the roles and factors that promote to be female artists in Thai society and to propose the ways to promote female artists to be accepted in Thai society. The research tools used to collect data are documents and in-depth interviews. Yin Yang concept is employed to analysis the data.


          Research result:

          Female artists play a role in the Thai society such as artists, teachers, and writers, and women artists have played a prominent role in the art performance to reflect the society from 2500 to 2561. This research investigates the roles of five female artists including, Lawan Upa-in, Kanya Charoensupkul, Sriwan Janehuttakarnkit, Araya Rasdjarmreansook, Somboon Phoungdorkmai. They have reflected the ideas from art works by using the concept of balanced yin-yang to society. This concept refers the two opposing ideas that the artist uses in their creative works including the subject concept - the thought, the nationalism - the spirituality, the truth - the faith, the need - the necessity and determination – aesthetics as well as the factors that promoted to be a female artist are the family, the society, the education and the maturity of the artist. Guidelines for promoting female artists to be accepted in Thai society are as follows: 1. the educational institute promotes art education for students and conducts artistic activities such as art exhibitions, art contest and awards 2. Artistic supporting organizations should continuously encourage female artists to play an important role in Thai society such as art exhibitions, social events, knowledge, thinking development, and creative award for female artist and push forward female artists to equally receive reward like male artists.

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How to Cite
โฆษิตเกษม ป., แพทย์หลักฟ้า จ., นพอุดมพันธ์ ก., & วิจิตสถิตรัตน์ อ. (2019). THE ROLES AND FACTORS OF FEMALE ARTISTS IN THAI SOCIETY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 6(3), 1109–1129. retrieved from
Research Articles


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