A Studying Readiness Tourism by the Community of Facility Management At Phipun District, Nakhon SI Thammarat Province.

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บุญยิ่ง ประทุม
พงศ์ประสิทธิ์ อ่อนจันทร์
จิตติมา ดำรงวัฒนะ
เดโช แขน้ำแก้ว


The objective of this  research  were as  follow :  to study readiness tourism by the community of facility management and to Development approach readiness tourism by the community of Facility Management at  Phipun district, Nakhon SI Thammarat province. The population are  160  the  community  leaders and  the samples are 113  the  community  leaders by Krejcie and Morgan table.  The collecting data used questionnaires. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, means, percentages, standard deviations. 


          The research found that :

          1) The assessment readiness tourism by the community of Facility Management as high levels. 2) Development approach readiness tourism by the community of facility management. The study found that sample guidelines are proposed such as a Public relations is required. Need to have system administrator security travel, there should buses , car for rent , ecotourism car and there should have  signs in multiple languages it can access the attractions while utilities such as electricity and have free Internet access in all areas, There should be a local store that sells goods or merchandise through.

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How to Cite
ประทุม บ., อ่อนจันทร์ พ., ดำรงวัฒนะ จ., & แขน้ำแก้ว เ. (2018). A Studying Readiness Tourism by the Community of Facility Management At Phipun District, Nakhon SI Thammarat Province. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(1), 70–78. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/153398
Research Articles


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