The Roles of School Administrators to Support the Development Learning Research of the Teachers under the Trang Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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กิติญาดา มัสแหละ
รอยพิมพ์ใจ เพชรกุล
ธีระพงษ์ สมเขาใหญ่


This study investigated the role of school administrators  support development learning research of teachers under Trang Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 , and compared the role of school  administrators  support development learning research of teachers classified by genders, ages and work experiences. The samples in this study consisted of  115  school administrators under Trang Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, The statistics used to analyze the data were means, percentages, standard deviations and T-test.


             The research findings found that

             1) the role of school  administrators  to support conducting development learning research of teachers was at high level; to begin with the importance of the research was at high level, the school  administrators  support conducting the research an acceptance teacher as a researcher respectively. 2) genders, ages and work experiences were not related to the conducting learning development research statistically insignificant at .05 level.

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How to Cite
มัสแหละ ก., เพชรกุล ร., & สมเขาใหญ่ ธ. (2018). The Roles of School Administrators to Support the Development Learning Research of the Teachers under the Trang Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(1), 45–57. retrieved from
Research Articles


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