The Sanggha Administration of the Sanggha in Southern Thailand

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พีระศิลป์ บุญทอง


The objectives of this thesis were as follows 1) To study the  Sanggha administration of the Sanggha in Southern Thailand,  2) To study the efficiency and administration  process of the  Sanggha in southern Thailand, 3) To study the factors enhance the learning process that affect the efficiency of the Sanggha administration in the southern Thailand. The population are  2,344   the  temples  and  the samples are 331 the  temples by Taro Yamane table. The key performance  15 the Sanggha The research  are  mixed methods research. The collecting data used in depth interview  and  the observation  for observe  the sanggha meeting  The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, means, percentages, standard deviations.

The research findings revealed that:

  1. The procedure on The Sangha administration in the southern Thailand was at the middle level in general . They are put in order from high to low as the following : In the field of director, in the field of supervisor , and in the field of budgeting  .

  2. The efficiency and management of the Sangha administration in  the southern Thailand was at the middle level in general . They are put in order

from high to low as the following : In the field of governance  , in the field of public works  , and in the field of public housing .        

  1. The factors that enhance the learning process that affect the efficiency of the Sangha administration in the southern Thailand found that the variable factors with the best predictive power are 4 variables. They are put in order from high to low as the following : In the field of supervisor , in the field of director , in the field of budgeting , and In the field of organizational management .

             The Sangha  administration in the southern Thailand was at the middle level that means to improve in a management for being effective. This can be summarized as follows.

                   1) The Executive Order of the Sangha in the southern Thailand or related parties should participate in the planning of the entire management system, regular meetings follow up, and staffing in the right job. Use skills and management capabilities and adaptive command communications by using powerful modern technologies to ensure that the administration of the Sangha is effective in the current situation.

                   2) The Executive Order of the Sangha in the southern Thailand or related parties should factor in the efficiency of the administration of monks in the south such as broadcasting, radio and other media, the way in how to distribute propagation to monks and novices, leadership training in quality meditation, providing accommodation for the faithful guests and the monks and maintenance of local arts and Thai culture by providing  the responsible person in various fields. It is a system for the prosperity of a stable and lasting Buddhism.

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How to Cite
บุญทอง พ. (2018). The Sanggha Administration of the Sanggha in Southern Thailand. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(1), 30–44. retrieved from
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