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สืบพงษ์ ธรรมชาติ
พระครู ปริยัติกิจวิธาน


The objectives of this thesis were as follows : 1. To study Self – Performance According to Punkiriya Vatthu Principle of Buddhists in Suantang Sub District, Lamae District, Chumporn Province. 2. To compare Self – Performance According To Punkiriya Vatthu Principle Of Buddhists in Suantang Sub District, Lamae District, Chumporn Province in terms of sexes, ages, degrees of education, occupations and monthly incomes as differently. 3. To study the way to promote Self – Performance According to Punkiriya Vatthu Principle of Buddhists in Suantang Sub District, Lamae District, Chumporn Province. The population composed of Buddhists in Suantang Sub District, Lamae District, Chumporn Province. There are about 4,434 persons. Sample size by Krejcie and Morgan’s table measurement. The samples were amount 354 persons. The data collection by questionnaire both closed and open end questions. then analyzed using a computer software program. The statistics applied in the process were percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation. The hypothesis was tested with t-test, F-test and LSD method (Least Significant Difference)


The findings were as follows:

  1. Self – performance according to Punkiriya Vatthu principle of Buddhists in Suantang sub district, Lamae district, Chumporn province by overview was at more level. When considered in each aspect found that the aspect of Pavana was the highest mean and followed up the aspect of Dana and the aspect of Sila was the lowest mean, classified in terms of sexes, ages, degrees of education, occupations and monthly incomes by overview was at more level.

  2. The comparative result on Self – performance according to Punkiriya-Vatthu principle of Buddhists in Suantang sub district, Lamae district, Chumporn province in terms of sexes, ages, degrees of education, occupations, and monthly incomes found that there were not different as statistically significant at 0.05.

  3. There were some points of suggestions on Self – performance according to Punkiriya Vatthu principle of Buddhists in Suantang sub district, Lamae district, Chumporn province. There were found that the highest frequency was the aspect of Dana in the list on there should have the virtue camping project to people and followed up the list on there should have religious activities by participation of people and the list on there should have community activities for Thai Buddhist to do merits in community.

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How to Cite
ธรรมชาติ ส., & ปริยัติกิจวิธาน พ. (2016). SELF – PERFORMANCE ACCORDING TO KIRIYAVATHU PRINCIPLE OF BUDDHISTS IN SUANTANG SUB DISTRICT, LAMAE DISTRICT, CHUMPORN PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 3(2), 57–68. retrieved from
Research Articles


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