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The Thesis title on Dhamma principle which are appeared in magical ceremony of khao Ao rschool, Patthalung province. The objectives were as follows. 1. To study the faith on and magical ceremony of Khao Aor school, 2. To study the faith and magical ceremony of Khao Aor school, Patthalung province and 3. To study the Dhamma principles which are appeared in the faith and magical ceremony of khao Aor school, Patthalung province. The researcher was collected data by field work with interview, observation and then to present the research report by descriptive and can be analysed as follows.
The research results found that:
- The faith and ritual process which are appeared in magical ceremony of khao Aor school which composed of faith and ceremony for pupil acception, The faith and ceremony process for making holy water, the faith and ceremony process for change on’s bad fortune through a ceremony, the faith and ceremony process for herbad medicine eating, the faith and ceremony process for batting of herbad medicine, the faith and ceremony process for black rice eating, the faith and ceremony process for raw sesame oil, the faith and ceremony process for buddle statute and empowerment, the faith and ceremony process for decreasing change according to social and economic condition which can be seen in the group of ceremony performance the group of local people which are depended on the followers performance and out of local people they can be confident as more and more.
- For the effectiveness from the faith and which are appeared in magical ceremony of khao Aor school found that there are two ways one is good and other is bad i.e. For the good found that the conservative and promotion of the faith and which are appeared in magical ceremony, to promote for ethics, to promote for Buddhism, to promote for education, to promote for motivation, to make confident and belief of sangha and to promote for occupation bat for the bad found that there are same stolen group and enterprising ete.
- The faiths on any ceremony which are appended lots of Dhamma pineapple in Buddhism which primitive followers had inserted for making their pupils and followers know the way to live in daily life.
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How to Cite
ตรีทรัพย์ เ., โสภณกิตยาทร พ., & พิจิตรศุภการ พ. (2015). THE BUDDHIST TEACHINGS WHICH ARE APPEARED IN THE FAITH AND MAGICAL CEREMONY OF KHAO-AOR SCHOOL, PHATTHALUNG PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 2(1), 42–48. retrieved from
Research Articles
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