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The objectives of this thesis were as follows : 1) To study of fundamental ethic conduct of students in Bantraingam school, Thakham sub district, Phunphin district, Surat Thani province. 2) To compare fundamental ethic of students in Bantraingam school, Thakham sub district, Phunphin district, Surat Thani province in terms of sexes, educational levels, and parents’ occupations as differently and 3) To study the suggestions were concerned on problems and resolutions in fundamental ethic of students in Bantraingam school, Thakham sub district, Phunphin district, Surat Thani province. The population were students in Bantraingam school, Thakham sub district, Phunphin district, Surat Thani province at the number of 160 persons, sample size by Krejcie and Morgan’s table measurement, the samples were about 113 persons. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire both closed and open ended questions, data analysis by finding the value of frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Z-test, F-test and paired comparison of arithmetic mean by Scheffe’s method.
The research results found that.
1) The basic fundamental ethic of students in Bantraingam school, Thakham sub district, Phunphin district, Surat Thani province by overview was at more level, when considered in each aspects found that the aspect of honesty was the highest average and followed up the aspect of disciplinary regarding and the aspect of mercy, classified in terms of sexes, class levels, and parents’ occupation found that by overview was at more level.
2) The comparative results of the fundamental ethic of students in Bantraingam school, Thakham sub district, Phunphin district, Surat Thani province in terms of parents’ occupations and class levels found that there were different as statistical significance at .001, and sexes found that there were not different as statistical significance at .05.
3) The suggestions were concerned with problems and resolutions fundamental ethic of students i Bantraingam school, Thakham sub district, Phunphin district, Surat Thani province found that the highest frequency in the aspect of effort i.e. some of student were not interested while teaching. The way to promote, there found that the aspect of effort was the highest frequency i.e. they should attend the class while teaching, there should decrease some special activity for having time to do home work.
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