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รงค์ บุญสวยขวัญ
พระสนั่น ขนฺติโก ปราสาททอง
ไพรัต ฉิมหาด


   The objectives of this thematic paper were as follows 1) To study self – performance  according to  Sangaha Vatthu principle of merchants  in  Had  Patong, Kathu district, Phuket province. 2) To compare self – performance  according to  Sangaha Vatthu principle of merchants  in  Had  Patong, Kathu district, Phuket province in terms of sexes, ages, degrees of education, and monthly in comes as differently. 3) To study the suggestions were concerned with the way to promote self – performance  according to  Sangaha Vatthu principle of merchants  in  Had  Patong, Kathu district, Phuket province. The population were merchants  in  Had  Patong, Kathu district, Phuket province amount 795 persons, sample size according to table comparing of Krejcie and Morgan,  the samples were amount 254 persons, the instrument for data collection was questionnaire bath closed and open end questions, data analysis by package computer program, the statistics were applied as follows, frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test and to test the difference of arithmetic mean in each pair by LSD. method.

The research results were found  as follows.

         1) Self – performance  according to  Sangaha Vatthu principle of merchants  in  Had  Patong, Kathu district, Phuket province by overview was at moderate level when considered in each aspect form more to less found that the aspect of Piyavaja was the highest average, and followed up the aspect of Atthajariya and the as pact of Dana was the lowest average respectively, classified in terms of sexes, ages, degrees of education, and monthly incomes found that by overview was at more level.

         2) The comparative results of Self – performance  according to  Sangaha Vatthu principle of merchants  in  Had  Patong, Kathu district, Phuket province in terms of sexes, ages, degrees of education, and monthly incomes found that there  were not different as statistical significance at .05

          3) The suggestions were concerned with the way to promote self – perform ance  according to  Sangaha Vatthu principle of merchants  in  Had  Patong, Kathu district, Phuket province found that the highest frequency was the aspect of Dana (Charity) i.e. there should be given more than the present. There should have introduced on Dana and the objectives. There should have promoted each others on Dana. There should introduce the new merchants.

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How to Cite
บุญสวยขวัญ ร., ปราสาททอง พ. ข., & ฉิมหาด ไ. (2016). SELF – PERFORMANCE ACCORDING TO SANGAHAVATHU PRINCIPLE OF MERCHANTS IN HAD PATONG, KATHU DISTRICT, PHUKET PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 3(1), 1–14. retrieved from
Research Articles


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