A Study of Behavior in Applying the principles of Tithadham mikattha for Solving the Economic Problem in Community : A case study of Mamuang Plai Khaen Community, Tambon tha ngio, Amphoe mueang, Nakhon Si thammarat province

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สรัญญา แสงอัมพร


The objectives of this research were as follows; to study the background of economic problem within MamuangPlaiKhaen community. To get understanding in application of Tithadhammikattha principle for Solving of MamuangPlaiKhaen community economy. And to study the guideline of Tithadhammikattha principle for Solving of MamuangPlaiKhaen community economy. This research is the mixed methodology. The population are 1,200 persons, the samples are 291 persons. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire and interview form. The statistics were used as follows: - frequency, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test (One-way ANOVA), and for qualitative research by in-depth interview from ten key informants and content analysis as descriptive explanation.


The research found that:

1) Mostly in MamuangPlaiKhaen community lack of knowledge and understanding of Tithadhammikattha principle. 2) The understanding of people in MamuangPlaiKhaen, for application of Tithadhammikattha principle for Solving of community economy by overview found that the aspect of utthana- sampada (effort), arakkha-sampada (watchfulness), kalyanamittata (good friendship), There were at more level. The comparative result on application of Tithadhammikattha principle for Solving of community economic in MamuangPlaiKhaen community, in term of sexs, ages, degrees of education, occupations and monthly incomes, there were different as statistically significance at .05  and3) The guideline for application of Tithadhammikattha principle for Solving of community economy in MamuangPlaiKhaen community, found that ; there should co-operate with others organization Practice on Knowledge and helping, there should promote people on saving with arrangement of payment and receiving list for family, there should promote people on networking co-operation in many ways for village, and to promote people in community to know about way of living as sufficiency economy.

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How to Cite
แสงอัมพร ส. (2018). A Study of Behavior in Applying the principles of Tithadham mikattha for Solving the Economic Problem in Community : A case study of Mamuang Plai Khaen Community, Tambon tha ngio, Amphoe mueang, Nakhon Si thammarat province. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(2), 411–433. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/142749
Research Articles


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