The Ways to Promote on Morality, Ethics and Good Governance Principles in Work Performance of Personnel in local Administrative Organization Southern Region

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เดชชาติ ตรีทรัพย์


In the study of the model in morality promotion, ethics and good governance in the performance of personnel of Southern local administration organizations, the purpose of this research is to conclude analyzing the patterns of promoting ethics, morals and good governance, to be used in the implementation of the three-year development strategy, and to create a model and guidance to promote morality, ethics and good governance of the personnel of the local government organization in the south. To fulfill this purpose,

          The researcher set up a method by gathering data from secondary data and questionnaires from 396 sample questionnaires from the personnel of the local government organization in the south from Provincial Administrative Organization, city Municipal, Municipality, municipal district, Sub-district Administration Organization in 14 provinces in the south, and interviewed personnel related to personal administration in 19 local administrative organizations. Clearly, the data were collected from a subgroup discussion methodology of 26 individuals involved in local government organizations, with the systematic analysis and synthesis of those data in academic terms.  

           As of result, the study showed most of the personnel of the southern local administration had a high level of morality, and good governance in their works. The development projects that appear in the three-year development plan of the local administration together with the idea that each local government organization promotes more forms of virtue in virtue of the moral, ethical, and good governance in individual consciousness that leads to good behavior, accurate and fair, it will benefit self, society and better performance effectively.

          For feedback, the key findings of the study are the introduction of key principles of morality, ethics, and good governance to expand the content of the relationship with the activities or development projects of the organization's three-year development strategy. The local government, along with research on the implementation of ethics, ethics and good governance, followed the activities or development projects of the three-year development strategy, focused on the infrastructure development strategy.

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How to Cite
ตรีทรัพย์ เ. (2018). The Ways to Promote on Morality, Ethics and Good Governance Principles in Work Performance of Personnel in local Administrative Organization Southern Region. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(2), 317–341. retrieved from
Research Articles


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