The Knowledge and Good Death Practical Path Promotion Base on Buddhism

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พระสุธีรัตนบัณฑิต (สุทิตย์ อาภากโร)
พระชยานันทมุนี ธรรมวัตร จรณฺธมฺโม
พระมหาประยูร โชตวิโร
พระปลัดสมชาย ดำเนิน
สายชล ปัญญชิต
ภูเบศ วณิชชานนท์
พงษ์พัฒน์ ใหม่จันทร์ดี
นัชชา ทากุดเรือ


The research on “The knowledge and good death practical path promotion base on Buddhism” contained 3 objectives: 1) to study and analyze knowledge of good death in three dimension such as medical, law and Buddhist; 2) to study the best practices of good death practical path promotion in community, Buddhist temple and model organization in Thai society; 3) to develop curriculum and learning process for creative model innovation of good death practical path. This research was action research developing activities about good death practical path based on Buddhist integration to training 79 Buddhist monks and researches.


This research were found that;

Firstly, the knowledge and good death practical path based on Buddhist integration emphasize individual to consider mind and ordinary life as Happening, existing and ending are the truth. Its will make a preparing and understanding in mind and wisdom for death and let the people ready to pass away. In medical dimension, death is basic concept of life but medical will tend and heal for make life a healthy, quality, honestly and dignity. And before the end of life is coming, palliative care is importance to use for everyone. In law dimension, death is the end of any juristic acts. By the way there is living will and patience right to denial of treatment.

Secondly, there are twelve best practice organization and communities that have promoted paths of good death practice. By learning from social dynamic particularly the coming of aging society, increasing of terminal stage and impacts of palliative care in present Thai society. The best practice organization and communities’ embodiment good death knowledge to factual work. Such as the group of volunteers that always patrol a palliative care activities in their own community.

Thirdly, there are two curriculums for develop Buddhist monk to work in field of palliative care comprise Buddhist volunteer for good death and research innovation for good death on Buddhist principle. Both of curriculums emphasis to extend good death knowledge and Buddhist monk networks on good death.

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(สุทิตย์ อาภากโร) พ., ธรรมวัตร จรณฺธมฺโม พ., โชตวิโร พ., ดำเนิน พ., ปัญญชิต ส., วณิชชานนท์ ภ., ใหม่จันทร์ดี พ., & ทากุดเรือ น. (2018). The Knowledge and Good Death Practical Path Promotion Base on Buddhism. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(2), 205–232. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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